Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Spring Break

I cannot believe Spring Break is here!  Where has the time gone???  Remember, there is no school next week, April 8-12.  Enjoy your week off, and be prepared for some hard core test prep when we come back!

The past few weeks have been a little different for us.  We have put all of our time and energy into CRCT prep.  The test begins one week after we get back from Spring Break.  We have been reviewing everything we have learned this year to help us get ready.  The same will be true when we get back from break.  The girls will be bringing home their test coach books over the break.  They are responsible for completing ALL lessons in the math book, and lessons 9 and 11 in the reading book.  These will be checked the Monday after break, and will count as a math and reading test grade.  If they work for 30 minutes a day, there is no reason why they can't get it done.  I tried to get as many of the lessons done at school so they wouldn't have a lot of homework over the break.  These are very useful and important tools to help prepare for the test, so please make sure they work in the book daily.  I am not sending home a reading log, but I would like for your daughters to read a little everyday as well. 

I will have my last tutoring session the Monday we get back, April 15th.  The girls are allowed to bring a special treat for the group if they would like.  Thank you so much for allowing your daughters to stay for the tutoring.  I think it was great extra work for us.

I am so proud of all the hard work your daughters put into their cell projects.  I was blown away by how awesome they were.  If they were not made with food, I am going to keep them and display them in the library.  Keep up the great work!

Have a fun and safe break!  See you in a week!!

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